EZ Meter Technologies

This utility provides information about different models and specific meters manufactured by EZ Meter Technologies. Data about specific meters cana be obtained by entering the serial number printed on the meter label or by scanning the barcode on the label into a browser. Additionally, the QR code printed on the shipping container will load info for that meter.

To enter a serial number, enter the following URL replacing 59811 with the serial number on the meter label:


To get information about a particular model, replace A3131/3 with the desired model number:


Inventory Control Integration

A JSON response instead of html is available by adding &j=1 after the serial number or barcode as described above. The first twelve fields contain data of importance to users and distributors, The remaining fields are of interest only to factory technicians.

Many of the fields have a descriptive name and need no further explaination. The others are:
   CustKey is the primary key from our accounting system for the customer who purchased the meter.
   PO is the customer's purchase order number.
   WorkOrder is the same as the invoice number.
   RadioCode is the address if the Next Century pulse counting radio packaged in the same enclosure with meter.
   ModbusAddr is applicable only for Modbus meters.
   Configured is the date the meter was calibrated and configured.
   WarrantyExpiry is five years after the meter left the factory.

EZMeter logoEZ Meter Technologies
11030 Cochiti Rd SE
Albuquerque NM 87123
(805) 688-9696


Installation Guide

User Manual